Wednesday, August 12, 2009


i had a VERY long day and for a person who is like the "dan lagi dan lagi dan lagi" battery, today my battery finally ran out! :)

had a great time chatting and wireworking with two new frens from MOLECULE. They are so nice and kind and i have to say...Soo you are so fasih in bahasa! :)

To end a great day is the arrival of my BABIES!

i was thinking of picking a few to keep...but looking them in real....probably i pick only few to sell! hehehehe..... they are so B E A U T I F U L!

anyway.....these will be up for sale. Email me for prices. These stones are EXCLUSIVE PURE TURQUOISE stones cabochon.

happy picking!

take care all and SMILE! :)



  1. Thank you so much Mas, you are a lovely lady with a kind heart. I've learn a lot from you though it was just a short one that day. I'm fasih in bahasa... thanks, boleh tahan juga ya.

  2. soo, thank you.

    As i said to you, lets start passing around kindness into this world and hope more and more will do the same. If you need help in anything else, just drop me a line the offer has no expiration date :)

    take care,

