Sunday, July 5, 2009

NEW and Improved look!

hi everyone,

i have decided to give this site a MAKEOVER ! i have always
loved polka dots and found this really cute serendipity banner.

I have also added more links from other bloggers and i thank
you all who responded. If you like anything on my site or just
want to get more product information, please email me :)

My readers, many noticed that my prices are on the low side.
This is not due to me using inferior quality stones. I assure you
the stones i use are of good quality, but because i forego my
"working" charges for now i am able to sell to you at a very
good price. The prices for now are my INTRODUCTORY price to you as part of my debut program . MY advice
is, grab it while i am still not adding my working charges because
this offer is going to end soon.

so hurry! your order now and it's FREE SHIPPING!! :)

till then...take care and....tata!



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